Extreme weather is no joke, and can have a significant impact on your home and vehicle. Here are some examples of how different types of weather can be hazardous for the integrity of your vehicle, resulting in dents, dings, or worse. If possible, in the event of extreme weather, always try to place your car under cover (garage or sturdy carport) to minimize potential damage.

Watch Out For Wind!

While wind itself can’t damage a vehicle, objects it moves certainly can! Flying debris of all types can be hazardous to your vehicle, and the more intense the wind, the more devastating the potential damage. Strong winds can cause dirt and rocks to go flying into your vehicle or can cause loose limbs to fall down on your car. More intense winds from tornadoes and hurricanes can blow larger objects such as trash cans around. 

Hail Hazards

Hail can be one of the most damaging types of weather to a vehicle, simply because of how widespread the damage is. While an errant limb could cause an easily fixable dent, getting caught in a hailstorm could cause hundreds of dents on the surface of your vehicle. Luckily, professionals like those at 618 Dent Guy are well-versed in fixing hail damage on cars and trucks and can get it back to factory-new condition. 

Many insurance companies (or even some body shops) may tell you that your vehicle is totaled due to the extensive damage caused by hail. This is not always the case; they are typically telling you this because the traditional method of repair is to completely replace the panels of the vehicle. While this is a completely legitimate form of repair, it can be extremely expensive – and with a majority coverage of hail damage, they may determine that the cost of repair exceeds the value of your vehicle. 

If this is the case for you, be sure to give 618 Dent Guy a call to receive an estimate and to learn more about how paintless dent repair can be utilized to fix hail damage. 

Flooding Fears

Floodwaters can have a devastating effect on other parts of your vehicle (such as your engine, or interior of your car if water seeps in), but an often-forgotten hazard of flooding is collisions by other objects. Extreme floods can even uproot an entire vehicle and cause them to float down the road hitting other cars along the way. 

Floods can also cause other objects like metal trash cans, outdoor equipment or furniture, etc, to become moving projectiles that can hit and damage the exterior of your car. The resulting damage can vary widely depending on what hit your vehicle and at what speed, but you may find yourself with some new dents and dings after a particularly rough flood. 

Driving In Extreme Weather

No matter what weather is occurring, driving in extreme weather is always going to be more hazardous than driving in more temperate conditions. You need to pay very close attention to the road, your surroundings, and your own vehicle’s driveability in order to make it to your destination safely. In certain circumstances when it is determined to be unsafe to drive, you should always elect to stay home if possible – not only to protect your vehicle but for your own safety as well. 

How to Repair Dents & Dents Caused By Extreme Weather?

Repairing dents and dings used to be a pain – both time-wise and cost-wise. However, 618 Dent Guy has revolutionized dent repair to make it the most convenient and affordable experience for our clients. While we certainly didn’t invent paintless dent removal, we have perfected it, and created the Mobile PDR option where we come to your home or office to perform your repairs without you having to lift a finger! Call us today or submit your inquiry today to receive an estimate.